About Me
Hi, my name is Angus, and with a name like that you will guess that I am Scottish and l now live on Scotland's west coast in Argyll.
My career was in sales and over the years I worked for many large multi-national companies selling major branded products and spent 16 years living in the East Midlands furthering my career. For the last twenty years or so, before retiring to Mid Argyll, I worked in the publishing industry and picked up a lot of information on the creative and printing process which has helped me build the portfolio of titles you will find on this site.
About Fyne Editions
From a standing start, Fyne Editions now has over 2,000 titles with more being published every week. If you do not see the title you would like to buy then drop me a line using the contact form at the bottom of this page. New ideas are very welcome!
There is a Chinese proverb which states - "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" and aptly Fyne Editions started with a single title which was a NC500 Journal which was designed for all the people heading up to the north coast of Scotland to travel on this famous route.
This title quickly became a best seller and for about a year I did well with it until one day I received an email from Amazon saying they had taken it off sale as I had infringed a copyright. It turned out, completely unknown to me, and lots of other people, that the terms "NC500" and "North Coast 500" are registered trademarks. Who knew? Certainly not me!
Thankfully I had diversified and published lots of other titles so, although a blow, it wasn't the end of the world.
I design all of the covers and the interiors and upload the files to Amazon who print on demand once an order is received. They take care of the printing, delivery, payments and then send us our fee after their costs are deducted.
Because Amazon handle all of our transactions, Fyne Editions does not collect any of your data whatsoever, so if you decide to buy any of our titles, I will not know who you are, or where you are, but rest assured your order is very much appreciated.
Finally, it is easier than ever to start a business from home so if you have an idea or product you want to sell on Amazon, E Bay, Etsy, Facebook, or via your own website, then go for it. I started with one title and within a few months Fyne Editions journals and notebooks are now selling around the world, created with no more than a laptop and some inspiration…
The Future...
We will continue to develop our range of Journals, Diaries and Notebooks while looking to expand the range of products we sell...
2 thoughts on “About Fyne Editions”
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Hi. I recently bought a copy of your “Motor Home Road Trip to Norway”. To be honest, I was expecting some kind of guide or (completed) travel log. I see there is nothing in the book specific to Norway, or to motorhomes, rather than tents, caravans, etc.
I was wondering if there has been some mistake somewhere along the production. Thanks. Archie
Hi Archie
I’m sorry you feel that our book has misled you but it is clearly stated that it is a journal and in our defence I can make the following points.
1. The title clearly states “The Must Have Travel Journal for your Norwegian Adventure: This fantastic journal prompts you to capture all your details and wonderful holiday memories over 60 two page spreads.” The key phrases are “journal” and “prompts you to capture.”
2. The book description page on Amazon clearly states “Your memories are precious, and this is the perfect way to remember every campsite, wild camping location and what you did on a daily basis. If you return to Norway this journal will be a vital point of reference for your future travel adventures.”
3. The next paragraph begins “This journal is not only the ideal way for you to document your travels”
I believe we have more than accurately described the function of this book and at no point do we claim it is a guide book on Norway. The Cambridge Dictionary definition of a journal is as follows – “a written record of what you have done each day, sometimes including your private thoughts and feelings.”
I hope you understand our position but if you still feel aggrieved you can either send it back to Amazon for a refund or to us directly and we will refund you immediately.
We were planning to visit Denmark, Sweden and Norway for 3 months but house arrest has scuppered those plans for this year but it will hopefully happen next March, April & May.
I hope you travel to Norway at some point this year (with or without our journal) and I would like to hear your thoughts on your trip.
Best wishes